In May 2015, an 18-year-old Valparaiso Student was found unconscious and floating face down in the swimming pool located at the home of aa Schererville pastor. Prior to being discovered, the 18-year-old had been babysitting the Pastor’s children as his wife had fallen asleep after taking a medication. The unresponsive babysitter was discovered after the Pastor’s wife had been awakened by her children who observed the babysitter in the pool. Upon being discovered, the 18-year-old was taken to Saint Margaret Hospital where she was pronounced dead only a few days later, for which the Lake County Coroner ruled the death an accidental drowning. However, in spite of this determination by the Coroner, the 18-year-old’s mother has filed suit against the Pastor’s family for being responsible for her daughter’s death. The questions surrounding the death are considerable as the 18-year-old’s mother claims to have seen video surveillance of the home and swimming pool which appeared to demonstrate that the Valparaiso student may have been saved if the emergency was reported earlier or if the student was attended to by paramedics earlier.
Property owners owe certain legal duties to prevent or disclose certain risks that may lead to death or serious injury. If you or a loved one are injured due to the negligence of a property owner or any other individual, please contact the experienced legal professionals at Schiller Law by contacting our experienced legal team via phone at 888-578-3100 or on the web at