Summer is over and school buses are back on the road.  When sharing the road with buses, drivers need to be reminded that Indiana state laws requires motorists stop when students are being picked up or dropped off. Always come to a complete stop when the school bus’ stop arm is extended and the red lights are flashing.


During one week a special enforcement blitz in Warrick County, 21 drivers illegally passed a school bus while students were embarking and dis-embarking. In a one-day statewide poll, bus drivers throughout Indiana logged 1,089 stop arm violations.

Nationally, some buses are being outfitted with cameras to catch drivers so that citations may be issued. In North Carolina, videos of violators are even publicly posted on


Remember that students are often distracted as they are constantly texting and could step into the road while a driver is committing a moving violation with catastrophic results. Keep children children safe by stopping appropriately around school  buses.

