In August 2013, a Ball State grad and Muncie native was injured during a fund-raising event sponsored by the Theta Chi Fraternity located on the Ball State Campus. The Muncie woman was injured when she went down an inflatable water slide and impacted the ground with a severe force. As a result, the Muncie Woman suffered a comminuted vertebral compression fracture, among other severe and permanent injuries she sustained as a result of participating in the “Water Daze” fundraiser. To compensate the Muncie Woman for her medical bills, which currently total over $330,000 since her fall, the woman has recently filed a suit with the Delaware County Circuit Court which names Louisiana-based Space Walk and several Hamilton County businesses that leased the water slide to the Theta Chi Fraternity. The law suit alleges that Space Walk, the firm that developed and marketed the waterslide, failed to provide instructions or training to safely install and operate the water slide in order to prevent the risk of severe injury. Due to this failure to provide proper safety instruction and training, the Muncie woman has further alleged in her Complaint with the Delaware Circuit Court that she has suffered disability, pain, and mental anguish during her difficult effort to continue her studies and eventually graduate from Ball State.
Operators of recreational activities have a duty to provide entertainment to participants in a safe manner to prevent serious injuries from occurring. In the above instance, this costly lawsuit resulted due to allegations that the water slide was underinflated while in use. Even small adjustments outside of routine and safe measures can lead to serious injuries. If you or a loved one are injured while participating in amusement recreation or other activities due to the negligence of another, please contact the experienced legal professionals at Schiller Law Offices at 888-578-3100 or at our website,