The Indiana State Police are going to be enforcing seat belt use with increased patrols throughout November as part of their Click It or Ticket campaign. The Indiana State Police will be working with over 250 law enforcement agencies from around the state of Indiana to reduce motor vehicle deaths and injuries in Indiana. These patrols are supported by funds provided by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. In 2019, of the total numbers of motorists involved in passenger vehicle collisions, 90 percent were wearing a seat belt. But unrestrained motorists accounted for over half of all vehicle fatalities in 2019, according to data from the criminal justice institute. Young male drivers under the age of 34 were more likely to be found not wearing a seat belt, and individuals not buckled up in collisions were three times more likely to get injured when the driver was speeding and seven times more likely when the driver was impaired in any way. Indiana has a primary seat belt law; this allows police officers to stop and cite drivers and passengers for failing to wear a seat belt. Drivers can also be cited for unbuckled passengers in their vehicle that are under the age of 16. Children under the age of eight must be properly restrained in a federally approved child booster seat.
Every law for driving has been designed to protect the driver, passenger, and other drivers on the road. If a driver is not following a law as simple as buckling up their seat belt, then what other driving laws will they ignore while on the road. If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in a car accident by someone driving in a negligent manner, please contact the experienced legal team at Schiller Law Offices at 888-578-3100 or at to learn more about your potential right to compensation.