On August 21, 2018, at around 1:00 a.m., a vehicle crashed into a residential house trapping a sleeping teenager in his bed. The teenager’s mother was in the living room when she heard a huge crash that shook their entire house. She called for her husband who was still asleep and then ran to her son’s room and forced the door open. She told the police that the driver of the vehicle was awake and looked confused and that the vehicle was inches away from her son. The vehicle was so far into the house that only the tail lights were sticking out from the damaged house, and the police had to assist the teenager with exiting his room. The vehicle had become wedged under the teenager’s bed, pushing it up around the teenager like a taco. The police report stated that the driver had blown a .34 blood alcohol level at the scene of the collision. The driver claimed that he was not behind the wheel when the collision occurred, however, witnesses said that at the time of the crash, that he was the only one seen in the vehicle. According to the police, the driver was on Oxbow Road when he disregarded a stop sign at Nantucket Road and crashed into the home. No member of that house was injured, although the damage to the home was substantial and half of the house will need to be torn down and rebuilt. The mother has stated that she is going to petition the county to put up a roadblock or partition in front of their home and houses like hers that are located at the three-way intersection on their road.

Divers that crash into houses are rare, but not unheard of, even today. Stop signs and speed limits are not just on the road to make intersections and exits of the roads safer. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured or killed due to the negligence or reckless actions of another individual while on the road, please contact the experienced legal team at Schiller Law Offices at 888-578-3100 or at IndyInjured.com to learn more about your potential right to compensation.
